Mission Statement
The mission of the St. Denis Lector Ministry is to proclaim the Word to all
for understanding and enlightenment.
About the Lector Ministry
Our Lector Ministry makes a meaningful contribution to every Eucharistic
celebration at St. Denis by proclaiming the Word of God.
The Rule of St. Benedict further explains: “They should not presume to
read who by mere chance take up the book . . . Only those are to
discharge these duties who can do so to the edification of the hearers.”
When one answers the call to be a minister of the word, one enters a
deeper relationship with the word of God as revealed in sacred scripture.
The lector takes on the duty and privilege of bringing the Scriptures to life
—making it flesh. The ministry as a lector gives voice to God’s healing and
challenging word as it goes forth irrevocably to the ends of the earth,
achieving the purpose for which God sent it. In a very real sense, the
lector makes the Word present to all assembled.
The lector is responsible for proclaiming the First Reading from the Old
Testament, part or the whole of the Responsorial Psalm and the Second
Reading from the New Testament. The Lector may also proclaim the
Prayers of the Faithful in the absence of a Deacon.
What It Takes To Be a Lector
A desire to share sacred scripture with your peers. To read and relate the
Scriptures to make them the Living Word. This is a proclamation not a
boring reading. Do you enjoy reading aloud to your children or grand
children, public speaking or sharing stories with friends? If you do, you are
a worthy candidate for Lector. The Lord will guide you! Please Volunteer!
The Role of Lector
The role of a lector is to proclaim the Word to the people of God. It is a
ministry in which we are privileged to participate. It calls for dedication—an
investment in time and energy to effectively proclaim the sacred scriptures
to the people of St. Denis. By committing to be a lector at our parish, you
commit to:
• Attend all scheduled meetings and retreats;
• Attend coaching sessions as required;
• Continue to work to improve your skills
• Prayerfully prepare your readings to ensure effective presentation;
• Arrive at Mass 15 minutes beforehand and sign in.
• Dress appropriately;
• Attend Mass as scheduled. Provide your own substitute if unable to
attend by the online scheduler.
*Dress Code: Dress should be appropriate to the mission of
proclaiming the Word. The Lector should not be a focus or
If you are interested in joining the Lector Ministry, please contact:
Fr. Memo or Deacon Rich at the parish offices (978) 827-5806