Welcome to our online business office! While our physical office is open 9 am to 2 pm, Monday--Wednesday,
you can communicate with us here 24/7. Any messages you send us will be dealt with on the next business day. Many of the daily chores can be done from the comfort of your home.
Taking advantage of today's technology, we want to go the extra mile for you in your parish family. St Denis parish wants to make you a happy parishioner by providing great service at the comfort of your home. You can:
You will be able to conduct much of your business without having to make extra trips to the church and if you have a family who lives far away, you can still do business where ever you are or whenever you want.
Other things you can do via the website:
Check the blue links on your left and choose any form you consider necessary. Also, feel free to reach out to the Church offices (978-827-5806) any time for visitation of the sick, house blessings, marriage matters, confession, etc. Our priest will be more than happy to attend to your needs.
God Continue Blessing You Everyday!