Jesus spent much of his time on earth ministering to and comforting people struggling with illness or injury. Here at St. Denis, we follow in his footsteps by reaching out to the sick and injured in three ways: (1) anointing those who are ill (2) bringing the Eucharist to people who are homebound, in nursing homes, or in the hospital. (3) Praying for those in need of healing, strength and peace.
Please pray for the following parishioners or friends:
Bob Bryant
Christine Harris
Warren Walters
Tony Chaves Jr.
Katy Westhaver
Bill Foss
Kathleen Hartzell
The Reinmann Family
Davis Jaison
Daniel Xavier Huidor
Rajender sharma
Gary Martines
Mark Cerasulo
Gail Blanche
Simone Blanche
Henna Motwani
Veena Goburdhun
Lucy Langelier
Irene Parent
Rebbecca Harris
Jermaine Chatman
Crystal Renee Brown
Temiko Holmes
Sabrina Guyton
Ivy Townsend
Eddie White
Eugene Jon
Russell Jordan
Mark Tisdale
Nashaw Davis
Baptiste Lafferrerie
Darvis Rankins
Stephen B.
Ellen Duffy
Joao Lima
Maria do Rosario
Michelle Nevala
Liam Howard
Jake Thibeault
Laurie Reinmann
Thomas Reinmann
Kathryn Reinmann
Robert Cormier
Gene Farrell
Cheryl C.
Leo Aubuchon
Jason DesJardins
Kevin Leary
The Sick/Elderly/Homebound Ministry provides a spiritual or social connection to individuals who would benefit from a visit from our priest or a fellow parishioner. This ministry, provides visitation to residences, nursing facilities and other home bound situations of parish members who are ill or confined. The goal is to maintain a positive Catholic connection to fellow parishioners unable to attend church and church activities. The sacrament of Holy Communion is available upon request to the ill or homebound. Please contact the Rectory 978-827-5806 or speak with the Priest or Deacon after Mass.
What Training Does the Church Offer to this Ministry’s Volunteers?
Formal training will be provided for all ministry volunteers. Each volunteer must also complete an interview with the pastor to ensure an understanding of what is entailed as well as a background screening required of all volunteers who have contact with individuals of the parish. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are approved to bring Communion to the ill or homebound. All Extraordinary Ministers must be approved and complete Diocesan requirements.
If you would like to voluntier or find more information about the sick/Elderly/Homebound Ministry, please contact:
Saint Denis Parish
85 Main St
Ashburnham, MA 01430
Phone: 978-827-5806
[email protected]
Peter Tamas
[email protected]