The mission of this committee is to assist the Parish in the management of the physical properties of the church.These include the worship space, social hall, educations facility, grounds, and the church-owned cemetery. This committee is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of Parish facilities. These tasks include building repairs and maintenance, landscaping, lawn care, and other duties when they arise. The duties are performed through a combination of volunteer labor and contracted services. Members of the committee serve as leaders for recruitment and organization of volunteers. The committee serves as an advisory body to the Parish Council to identify facility issues and opportunities.
A building committee evaluates needs that new construction, renovation or remodeling can meet to align improvements with the church vision and mission statements. St Denis Parish and its properties are in real need of help due to much rejection through the years.
The research and analysis done may include gathering input from the congregation and the Pastor surveying the members to identify skills and resources they might offer and studying the impact on the neighborhood.
The many details to consider in a building project, from interior decoration to outdoor signage, fall to the building committee, which often ask the Parish Council and Finance Council to help with the decision-making as well as diocesan regulations.
Come and join us. We need your Time, Talent, Treasure and Prayers for the Church.
Contact Info:
Joe Olivari
[email protected]